Internet trolls, what's your worst troll that made you feel terrible afterwards?

When I was in the 5th grade, my friends and I were really into RuneScape. There was a video I stumbled on called "Saradomin Godsword In the General Store" or something similar. Basically for those who have never played that game, the Saradomin Godsword was a very expensive and sought-after weapon. When you sell most items to the general store, especially for the more expensive items, the general store gives you a small fraction of what the item is worth and is then displayed for sale to anyone who views the store. So basically it was a crazy thing to see if there was one in there. The video consisted of the sword in the store and it just showed it for a little while, then all of a sudden it moved, and just when you had time to realize that it was actually the guy who recorded the video's custom mouse cursor, the car commercial screamer jumps out at you. It scared the shit out of me, but I laughed after, just as all my other friends had. One day, I showed it to this one friend, we will call him Brad. Now, Brad was a little different. He matured much slower than everyone else and didn't handle the video the same way everyone else did. My friend and I were on a conference call with Brad on our landlines because I guess that's all we knew how to do at the time. So we showed him the video and laughed so hard until we realized that Brad wasn't laughing afterwards like we had. The dude screamed. Loud. I'm talking about full on prepubescent pterodactyl scream. He continues to scream he we hear it become more and more distant, then it came closer again, then more distant. This occured several times until it stops. Next thing you know, Brad is back. He's extremely out of breath. Turns out he was running in circles around his house. He was not happy at all. My friend and I couldn't find it funny because we knew that he was not the best person to do this to, and this is one of the worst possible outcomes. Later on we both recieved calls from his mother, who was obviously quite upset. As much as i'd like to laugh at it now, I just feel bad when it's brought up. I still talk to Brad often and he's awesome now, but I can see him act noticeably different and want to change the subject when it's brought up. Poor Brad :(

/r/AskReddit Thread