Interpeting verses about rebirth?

By rising from the grave, Jesus has shown us in practice what we knew in theory: that God has the power over death. The bible is kind enough to lay down that fact for us in the first couple of chapters, if one considers the origin of death. Something God created can not stand in the way of his ultimate plan.

The way I personally understand it is the reign of God means serving and doing good - basically living and seeing the world like Jesus does. No longer are we slaves of Mammon™, we're working for our own father because we are coming to know him and we like what we see. The essence of God is unconditional love and without being born from that spirit you'd always be slaving for something else, instead of reigning like the inheritors of that spirit we are destined to be.

God wants us to worship in spirit and truth and the truth is we all have an undestructable piece of divinity within us. We are all deserving of love. Realizing this truth changed me in a similar way I think it changed you and I genuinely stopped caring about a lot of superficial things that do not matter. I wasn't a terrible person or anything but my opinions were understandably those of one who doesn't believe in the irreplacable value and infinite potential of each human being. Slowly I began to care about people more. I became more forgiving when it came to their actions and flaws. I dared to care, knowing they'd be fine in the end. Reminding myself they will end up as living breathing images of God is now enough to give me endless patience, no matter how they treat me. I can't remember the last time I ever felt hatred towards a person and any mean thought that pops into my head no longer resonates with my core, who instead laughs at how stupid it sounds. I feel nothing but gratitude and awe towards how God has changed me and it makes me the more certain he can do wonders with anyone, anywhere and anytime. Even beyond the grave.

If you're interested I'd recommend learning about the difference between a child of God (everyone) and a son of God (a greek term that basically means an adult son or daughter who is finally competent and able enough to handle their inheritance). Realizing everyone was a child of God was the natural step after universal salvation and what really did it all for me. I don't know about you but I have shed a considerable amount of tears dreading the possibility that I've not always been the child of my maker so I felt inclined to share these resources just in case you need them. If you need more convincing to crush all doubts when it comes to universal salvation, just ask - seriously. Sorry about the wall of text but the truth shall set you free! Enjoy, danskjävel! Ni kan få tillbaka Skåne :)

More on this spirit of [TW] "adoption": George MacDonald: Abba, Father

A good article series about why everyone is a child of god:

/r/ChristianUniversalism Thread