Interview: Ex-head of legislature Jasper Tsang says the gov't is weakest player of four in Hong Kong's struggle | Hong Kong Free Press HKFP

Some points:

  • Housing price issue is linked to the election committee that is dominated by big business not by the people. Thus the govt never sides with the poor
  • The people support the protestors. The strategy of the government is to appeal to the public to denounce the protestors. This is not working. Protestors have nonetheless called to stop radicalism to avoid public alienation.
  • Propose meeting the amnesty demand but with conditions. Can not pardon serious crime. Pardon crimes only up to a specified date whereupon violence must stop and will be punished.
  • Independent inquiry in to Police is being held up because Carrie Lam does not want to impact the already low morale of police.
  • Whilst full democracy was promised by Basic Law, it is hard to achieve at once and satisfy everybody (everybody being all powerbrokers?). This is a reason for anger.
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