Intoducing a girl to reformed church

People keep trying to get me to go to church. This thread, and every response in it, is exactly why I don't.

You people here are church snobs. You are. It's not about the Bible and it's not about Christ, not with you people. It's about conforming to what you believe and what your congregations believe to be the "right" or "best" ways to show what you all collectively "think is right."

What you're really doing is setting up a hierarchy: We think this is the way we should show our faith and the way we should worship, so this person should too, and so should this person and that person and everyone else!

You have all lost your way. Jesus NEVER worked the way you people operate, not EVER.


I'm not suggesting that faith doesn't matter. I'm not suggesting in any way that communal worship is bad.

I AM suggesting that CHURCH IS NOT HIGH SCHOOL. Get over yourselves. Abolish the cliques. Quit fitting people into categories. You are together for a single purpose. ALIGN YOURSELVES. Together, in Christ. BRING PEOPLE TOGETHER IN CHRIST.

/r/Reformed Thread