intp here, interested in an infp girl

I think its best to take things slow, just be friends for a while. I dated an intp female a while back but despite all our similarities neither of us could make up for each others flaws which caused us to distance from one another, however we are good friends now and we can bond over almost anything but we are definitely not gf/bf material, we infps need someone we can trust but we also need someone who is patient with us, we take time to open up because we are afraid of hurting ourselves, what she needs right now is a friend who can wait for her no matter how long she takes, maybe you two will hit it off one day but if you truly care about her, let her have space, we absolutely HATE someone that is too blunt with us

I think ive been talking for too long so ill cut to the chase

We don’t care what our similarities are with other people, we just need to know that someone shares the same emotions and value’s as us or else we can’t connect to them or trust them entirely

/r/infp Thread