Intriguing busts from Roman times that were discovered in a cemetery in northern Israel near the city of Beit She’an. The objects are dated to the 4th century CE. [897x574]

To the person that made this comment but then cowardly deleted it:

But I thought no one lived there before the Israelis /s, it's ridiculous that people actually use this as a pro-Israel argument

This is a retarded comment. I’m not even going to address everything else that’s wrong with this nonsensical comment, but in case you didn’t realize, Jews pre-date Roman occupation in Israel by hundreds of years. This dates to the 4th century, Jewish occupation in what is now Israel dates at least to the 7th century BCE (that’s the oldest date backed by archaeological evidence, but it certainly dates back further than that)

Learn some history before you embarrass yourself further with comments like these


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