The intrinsic perk on exotic armor is more valuable than whatever stat loss you might experience from using a bad roll.

I had a dude inspect my loadout before a GM Nightfall and tell me to remove traction in PvE because “it’s useless” but then tells me I’m using the wrong jump on my Titan. I had on high lift and he insisted I put on strafe lift because “you’ll be too slow getting out of situations with that lift”. Meanwhile there’s more damage while airborne in the GM this week so it literally doesn’t matter what jump you’re using because being airborne means instant death. I’d much rather have increased mobility on the ground via Traction than switching to a different jump that will have absolutely no effect on my gameplay.

I’ve been playing the game since launch with high lift and never had a problem beating anything in the game. It was literally just an excuse for the guy to find a problem with my loadout. Quit worrying about what other people run and take care of yourself.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread