Introducing universal basic income could reduce child poverty by a third, a think tank has claimed. It also believes working age poverty would also fall by a fifth, while pensioner poverty would fall by almost a third to 11.3 per cent if universal basic income was introduced in the UK

I think the critical think to remember here, is that while interest in UBI is up, that doesn't mean UBI will be a thing.

What this interest shows us is that public opinion is changing. Whereas one upon a time, individual achievement was king, these days people are starting to realize that striving for individual achievement destroys your life. It turns you into a workaholic who is never there for your family. It earns you a lot of money to buy a lot of stuff that does nothing for you.

Individual achievement is great in the narrow area of athletes and artists. But it's not a good way to live for most people. Most people just need a balanced, healthy life. And there is no balance nor health in working menial jobs to pay for junk you don't need.

We don't need UBI. We need Universal Basic Needs-Met. This is a far larger goal than simply giving money out. It will require public/private partnerships. It will require sacrifice and open minds. But the end result should be a lower cost of living across the boards.

How do we do that? We change our thinking and we embrace new technology and new ways of doing things. For example, perhaps we shouldn't all be clustered in cities? Perhaps we shouldn't be buying so much plastic junk we don't need? Perhaps we should be working together to make things like food, cheaper and encourage it to be produced in more healthy ways. Also healthy doesn't always mean natural. Sometimes artificial is superior in every way.

We are not going to move passed this unhealthy life we're all living in through doing what has always worked in the past. We will have to embrace change. UBI is an interesting concept but it's not the solution. At best, it's an expensive and risky band aid.

UBI is not enough. We have to do more.

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