Invasions aren't duels people.

See, That's a clear logical argument with good points, All I hear from you and anyone else is "Hur dur I got 25 wins in PvP and i'm undefeated and Git gud". How is that an argument? How are you trying to debate anything, Stroking your dick won't get you far when you're trying to prove a point, then you say I'm being pigheaded with my discussion?

You are the epitome of a fucktard. You're the one who goes around with "nah bro, you're just salty, that's the only way you can disagree with me." So when I put up my stats to shut you up, "HEY MAN WHY ARE YOU BRAGGING, WTF"

Your mentality is contradicting, you pull the "GIT GUD" shit and then when I pull it back on you, you bitch. HOW FUCKING INSECURE ARE YOU!?

Invading people who aren't progressing means that invasions no longer hold any value.

So in other words, you are yet again, mad that you can't get your way. Like a spoiled brat.

I'm simply providing an observation of something that is wrong

It's not wrong. It's wrong to you because you're so pigheaded you see anyone stopping your asshole behavior as wrong. It's actually completely right. They have every right in the world to set up a gank squad to kill invaders. You, yet again, are just angry that you are being punished for being an ass.

A) I'm trying to kill new people B) I'm sad that I cant troll other players C) I have no right to complain since the invader is the one choosing to invade and D) I'm being pigheaded because it's not going my way or E) I just want a 1v1 duel.... Yet none of these points have been represented in my single statement, you've pulled them out of thin air.

Because this is your argument:

"Hurr durr, I'm literally fucking Jesus just trying to invade players, not doing any harm, just trying to kill people and ruin their fun, set back their progress. BUT THEN THESE ASSHOLES SET UP GANKS TO KILL ME! HOW DARE THEY PUNISH ME FOR TRYING TO KILL OTHER PLAYERS, THAT'S UNFAIR."

I'm not pulling anything out of thin air. I'm hacking away at your stupid veil you've created to absolve yourself of any blame, you're just so pigheaded, you've convinced yourself of your bullshit.

Oh by the way.

100% you have no right to complain about ANY fairness when invading. I mean sure, you can complain, but we have the right to tell you to go bitch to someone who cares, because if you look at this thread, no one does. No one cares that a whiny little invader is getting ganked because THAT'S PART OF THE FUCKING GAME!

why does me Invading stick a "Fuck you, deal with it" sign on something

Because you are invading THEIR world to KILL THEM. WHATEVER THEY DO to guarantee their survival is 100% justified. \

I have plenty to debate, talk about, provide feedback on because I enjoy the game. Saying I can't complain because I'm an invader makes no sense as I'm complaining about it From an invaders perspective, because that's the perspective that's being fucked over right now.

ALL of your fucking arguments are "Non Sequitur", none of your conclusions follow from the premises. I claim you can't complain about fairness when invading someone, you try to strawman that to "you can't complain about anything in the game." You think that just vomitting a wall of text makes your argument "valid?" IT DOESN'T! But I've already explained to you many times, why you invading means you can't complain about fairness in an invasion. MAYBE if you actually tried PvP where you can EXPECT fairness, you'd have a point, BUT YOU AREN'T. So for the thousandth time, deal with it, you are being punished for being a douchebag.

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