Investment into nuclear fusion?

Fusion wont go public imo until you see more private investments first. Fission would go public sooner strictly because they have more issues getting funding. Imo fission has more potential, but the main downside of any reactor is people dont understand how it works so they're afraid of it. It only makes sense to use them for a large city but the citizens dont want it near the large city. They've done the numbers, having to move it away x miles away from city expands costs considerably and makes it an iffy break even proposition. If you see one company making one huge reactor with plans to serve multiple cities through it I think you might have a winner. Anything else is kind of thinking too small thinking imo.

I dont think either of these are in our near future but without some sort of new energy source were going to need something other than wind farms and solar farms. I dont think people understand how much energy they use. If you do find one publicly traded let me know. I love the idea personally.

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