The Invisible War (2012) An investigative and powerfully emotional documentary about the epidemic of rape of soldiers within the US military, the institutions that perpetuate and cover up its existence, and its profound personal and social consequences

I'm a women who served some time, so I can at least speak from my experience. Fact is, people like sex. We crave sex. Take a person away from every day normal life and deprive them of sex and well, they are going to have sex every chance they can get. The hard truth is, women still hold all the power in sex. Most women can easily go out and get laid easily if they wanted to. Men have to actually put in work, and convince a women they are a good partner for sex (even for casual sex).

So in situations like the Military or Prisons where you have people deprived of real world opportunities to have sex, you see instances of women sleeping around, and a ton of horny/desperate men hoping it's one of them that get picked. The problem with this dynamic is that when Women are married in the military, they don't want it to be found out they were cheating on their Husband with a ton of men. So if they get caught, some women know saying it was "rape" is the easiest way to get out of the situation. Most people will automatically believe a rape victim. This also works to get out of "discipline" trouble.

So you have women that are sleeping around with a lot of men (not all women soldiers. I can tell you these kind of women pissed us off. Not because they were sexually active, but because they were causing drama and distracting things by their behavior. Which in turn gave us all bad reputation).

Men play a part in this two. It takes two to tango. The point isn't to blame women. However, women are able to sleep around a lot in the military, whereas the Men aren't able to. And it's a situation that is unnatural since you are taking young adults and depriving them of any chance of sex and then sticking them in remote locations with opposite gender (with women almost always sleeping around).

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