I was involuntarily hospitalized for being a threat to myself when I went to get help from my GP for suicidal ideation.

So in that instance, it is okay for me to deny people their rights and autonomy, to intervene and play savior? It wouldn’t be evil?

But if a person comes to the ER endorsing SI with a plan, has a gun and tells me of their intent to shoot themselves, I should not take any measures to prevent it from happening. The idea that they could benefit from therapy or medications or any treatment at all is my subjective belief, and this patient does not share this belief. By taking their gun and/or other means of suicide away I am committing an act of evil and imposing my beliefs on another person “just so I can play savior.” Do I allow them to leave and complete suicide while offering no alternative course? Do I give them a room and call a priest for last rites so they can kill themselves right then and there, and save the police the trauma of another dead body? Do I offer them a more painless, guaranteed means of suicide?

90% of people who attempt suicide regret it and want to live.

Obviously you have strong opinions about how best to handle these scenarios, I’m curious to have you share.

/r/nursing Thread Parent