Iostux on his retirement - “I didn’t retire, I got cancelled.”

My only knowledge of this guy was when he made a youtube video just to specifically shit on Overwatch university reddit comments.

I thought it was pretty weak to make a video that mocked people for trying to give advice on reddit, and to basically say only he was able to give advice because he is a "professional coach" (which means nothing).

Either way, please don't go in hard on this guy on social media. He fucked up. He probably has some deep issues with depression to make him say the things he said and to essentially get mega triggered by people who have a different opinion on overwatch than him (look how much he hates youroverwatch) in particular when those people get listened to (upvoted on reddit or a lot of views on youtube).

Hopefully he can get over his issues and improve his outlook on life going forward. Everyone makes mistakes.

/r/Competitiveoverwatch Thread Link -