ioStux ripping on this subreddit. :D

Paying for a coach is better than getting free advice? Who woulda thunk it?

Obviously professionals are better sources of information, but not everyone has access. I looked into getting coaching from iostux a long time ago, his prices were way to high for me.

This reddit is equivalent to asking a math question to your teacher at a random high school vs a mathematician at a distinguished university. Obviously the teacher won’t know as much and will be wrong sometimes, but they know more than the person asking the original question.

Say you know 0 about a subject, the teacher answers and you’re 70% sure about it afterwords. The other professional might be able to get you to 100%, but again, that’s if you have access to his help. If you don’t, going from 0-70 is sufficient. Not as good as 0-100, but it’s better than nothing.

/r/OverwatchUniversity Thread