Iowa abortion law requiring 24-hour waiting period permanently blocked by district court

Sure: while you're walking around with a gun stuffed up your ass, no one has the right to force you to keep it in there, and it is entirely up to you whether or not you keep it shoved up there.

I won't go into depth, because I know you won't understand it, but the reason gun ownership and abortion can't be compared as rights is because abortion is about a woman choosing what to do with her own body (yes, only hers, because a fetus is not a person—which is why doctors make statements such as "the fetus appears healthy" and not "the body in your body is healthy"), whereas gun ownership is about ownership.

A gun is an item that is owned by the one who purchases it. A human can never be owned by another person.

A fetus is a growth in the uterus of a woman, a woman whose right it is to have full bodily autonomy. By definition, a fetus cannot have autonomy, because it does not have free will and cannot self-govern.

Now, a little more: the 2nd amendment states that "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed". This means that the government cannot punish you for gun ownership. However, the government can choose to prevent the sale of certain weapons, and can also put restrictions on the terms of weapons sales. The Constitution doesn't define "Arms", and it also doesn't define "infringe"— therefore, theoretically, the federal government could entirely ban all firearms (or any ballistic weapon) and still not be in opposition to the constitution, as long as the people can "keep and bear Arms", such as knives. The Constitution is intentionally vague, because it's a living document.

At the end of the day, NO ONE has the right to tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her body (and, yes, even with a fetus, it's all still HER body). A gun is a possession that must be purchased, and can also cause immeasurable harm to dozens, hundreds, potentially thousands of people (you know, people with lives you apparently value) within minutes.

We can compare gun rights and access to abortion when one abortion causes hundreds of deaths and injuries. Until then, sit down, shut the fuck up, or go be miserable somewhere else. You're on the wrong side of history. Must suck to be you.

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