[IP] 3 designers of VR systems, 3 vehicular deaths.

Micah opened the text document, a log of a voice diary of Hiro's.


Log #1:

They say the eyes are the window's to the soul. By they, I mean my dad, old crook.

But seriously, have you ever noticed, how all the 'old sayings' tend to stick around more, well... Cause they're old? No... I mean, well, I guess we don't have any new sayings, but, dammit I had this written down-

Regardless. Eyes are the window's to the soul... That's what the saying says (duh). But, It's more than that... It's real. I've seen it before I've seen it happen. And their not windows either: their doors.

They are doors, and when we do things... Read, write, the soul is like another arm, it reaches out through the door and interacts. But, it's pacified by light, and to the touch it slows down, restricted. The door's close as the eyes dilate. When we watch TV or computer games, brain activity isn't slowed down because it's mind numbing... It's just, well, yeah mind numbing. We can't focus, their is too much stimulation.

And that's where my research begins. Let the press kits be called whatever resource management wants, but this is the only way I can get real world samples, no lab rats or dogs in cages with big lensed goggles on, projecting light.

It shouldn't be harmful, within temporary use. But, with these, as long as no one over'dos it there should be no lasting effects... Beyond well, idiocy. But I mean, if you spend a few hours with these on jumping around your bedroom afraid of spiders or ghosts that aren't there, you may as well deserve that title...


The list when on and on, filled with logs. Micah scrolled to the bottom, the last number was recorded at #289-4, meaning half way through he decided to start making more than one log a day, so the numbers weren't even accurate.

Plugging in his flash drive, cutting all the files before scrubbing the memory.

Turning around, he looked out from the wide window of Yoshi's office, ignoring some of the blood splatter on the window frame. Just below, at an intersection, two cars cross bumper-to-bumper, before continuing down the intersection; it will be the perfect spot to fake the accident.

Rolling on his rubber gloves, he began to untie the bruised and battered body of Yoshi. Before he could continue, he unstrapped the VR headset from the dead man, and the viewing cavity was filled with blood among other things, spilling all over the dead man's sweater and carpet.

"Dammit." Micah spout. He pushed the intercom button in his ear, "I need a level-2 clean up crew for the office... The, the Yoshi guy." He fumbled with the desk but couldn't find a name plate. "Just get a crew up here before it leaks through the floor, we can't have any suspicion."

He looked back on the blinded, battered, and definitely dead Mr. Yoshi. "No lasting effects my ass."

/r/WritingPrompts Thread