[IP] Awakened

I will never forget the day that I found it. That day was supposed to be the first day of a long overdue vacation, I still remember the smell of the seawater as the boat tugged through the waves of the shore until we reached the stillness of the open sea. "You're sure that you want it do this?" Thomas, my best friend and scuba instructor, asked as he took his hand off the throttle. "I'm not getting any younger and I have always wanted to do this." I told him, bolstering with false bravado as I turned the oxygen tanks on and popped the mouthpiece in. Once he gave he the thumbs up, I fell backwards and entered a world that I had only read about; actually being there and seeing what all the ocean had to offer was surreal. The coral seemed to glisten as the rays of sunlight pierced the crystal clear surface, crabs and other crustaceans skittered about as a small school of fish flew above them. As I drew in the picturesque serenity of the life below me, a movement caught my eye. what could possibly be this close to the surface? I wondered and my curiosity got the best of me, I had enough oxygen for some time so I thought I would just take a peak at what the movement might have been. Diving deeper into the trench, the light grew dimmer until the sun had turned into a faint glow above me and then I saw it. A colossal squid, just below the surface! What luck! They are elusive creatures, few seen in pictures or recorded, and I was within arms reach of it! Setting my excitement aside, I swam closer to it; one of its piercing eyes locked on to me but to my own amazement, it didn't dart away or even shoot ink. It was like it had been waiting for me to find it. Reaching out, I touched the slick skin, I finally understood how the characters is Jurassic Park felt (before the dinosaur take over and endless terror). The squid was nothing but calm and even gentle, for want of a better term. For the first time in my life, I felt exhilaration, calmness and the realization that no matter how much we think we know about the world and what lies below its surface; that we are still very much in the dark about these creatures...I finally felt at peace

/r/WritingPrompts Thread