IQ rework idea, keeping her spirit, making her more unique

IQ isn't popular sections of the community for no other reason than the fact a prominent youtuber hasn't gone around promoting IQ. The moment someone does the IQ bandwagon will be ridiculous, for no other reason than 'someone on youtube' did it.

This makes absolutely no sense, I have never seen a youtuber advocate any operator except for Thatcher and Thermite, and funnily enough, those are two operators that I never play. Almost every operator in the game has not been bandwagoned by a youtuber, yet IQ is somehow a special case to you.

Changing IQ's gadget to amp sound is great and all, until you remember that she would still be stuck holding a pistol whilst using her gadget. Do you really want to play Pistol vs Shotgun/SMG?

You mean how she is now..?

Also, you could detect the sound and put it away, like she can now..?

Your argument makes no sense.

IQ (and everything about her design) resolves around doing things quickly with speed and power.

Well that's funny, because she doesn't achieve either of those things. Speed, maybe, if you mean she runs just as fast as any other light armoured operator, but power? Her guns are mediocre at best and her gadget is by far the worst in the game, being completely replaced by having a set of working headphones.

Anyone can slowly, methodically tip-to their way around the map and identify traps. IQ does that with a moments glance.

Any operator in the game can quickly notice, identify and destroy gadgets, they're loud as fuck and not concealed at all. The fact that you're acting as if IQ is required to take down gadgets quickly gives a pretty good basis to say that you aren't very good at the game, which pretty much invalidates your opinions on where an operator stands among the others.

I mean just take an honest look at your responses to OP below. Do you really think you're making a convincing argument? You never once fully responded to him, and the individual parts that you did respond to where just you dodging around the point, making statements with no argumentative backup at all and making statements that show you don't have a proper understanding of the game. All of that is pointing to the fact that you quite obviously do not know what you are talking about.

If you want to get your opinions across, you need to understand the subject matter far better and then make better arguments that have a little more substance. You're not going to convince anyone by dodging around the point.

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