Iran accuses Kim Kardashian of working with Instagram CEO to corrupt Iranian women

I feel like Kim Kardashian and Hillary Clinton have a lot in common.

We unfortunately still live in a society where women are second class citizens; not that women are incapable of attaining power, it's just more difficult for them. Enter HRC and KK. Two women who spent much of their late formative years around powerful men (I'm on the toilet so I don't feel like looking up the details, but as I understand it) KK's father or whatever was a very powerful lawyer and her step dad (now step mom) was was a world champion in the decathlon. I don't know anything about HRC's childhood but I do know she interned or something like that for high level offices in Washington DC in college. Both these women got a close up glimpse of power and they wanted a taste for themselves. Hillary is intelligent on top of being clever so she used Bill as a jumping off point to power. KK intelligent? Not so much; at least not in the way that HRC is. But clever? Definitely. KK is young enough to remember the peak of the "sex tape years" when it seemed every celebrity had a sex tape - enter Pamela Anderson. She had a decent career but as far as I saw it (and i could very well be wrong on this) her career was at the very least on the decline. So what does she do? Gets plastic surgery from tip to tail and revitalizes her career with a sex tape, whether or not this was on purpose is another thing. Now imagine you're KK, before her head to toe plastic surgery she was no one and pretty busted looking. Even if it wasn't her initial intent, in the back of her mind she knows that a career can be revitalized by a sex tape... So maybe a sex tape could start a career? Tommy Lee was pretty famous, so a sex tape with a R&B star perhaps? Could this work? Is this possible? Turns out yes - now she's richer and more influential than all of us.

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