Iranian protests megathread

I never sided with Khomeini lmao? Nice strawman argument, you're doing the same thing you're accusing me of. You can choose any one of the articles. Also, non Iranians can listen to both your opinions and mine to form their own, they're not children, and I'm not forcing anyone to side with me. A literal Iranian person living in Iran commented in this thread the lack of access to home wifi, with the mobile data being the main source, but that's all anecdotal too. I've provided evidence that isn't anecdotal but you haven't mentioned any of it once. I'm not sure why you're so upset considering both of us agree that Khomeini created our current state of misery. You haven't given me any evidence yet to prove me wrong, meanwhile I've given you articles from both Iranian sources and non Iranian sources.

/r/AskMiddleEast Thread Parent