The Irish weren't slaves but they were slaves: NYT tries to debunk Irish slavery but ends up defending slavery.

Except that indentured servitude and slavery were different.

Like many things, the devil is in the details. The Indentured servants of the American past were poor people who entered an agreement to work off their debt incrued by their coming over to the US. Now history has shown that there were debt holders who abused and defrauded their debtors. And we all know the evils of the "company towns" that created conditions almost identical to enslavement.

But don't get it twisted. In the end, European indentured servants had it a lot better than African slaves in this country. For example, indentured servitude didn't extend into the next generation. European indentured servants still could marry as they chose. Indentured servitude was about money, not flesh. As such, if you as an indentured servant acquired the money to pay off your debt, then you were a free man according to the law (not withstanding unscrupulous debt holders who would try to defraud debtors).

We all know that none of those things applied to African slaves and their descendants until emancipation. In the end, Irish Americans were still Europeans and white as compared to African slaves in America. Besides, later on down the road, a number of Irishmen took all of that hate out on blacks in the form of their roles as overseers on slave plantations and later as abusive cops placed in nascent black communities in order to keep them in line.

The Irish got fucked over historically due to evil businessmen and cultural prejudice against them. My African ancestors got fucked over due to evil businessmen and racial prejudice against them, in which some Irishmen participated in and received benefit because of it. (And please don't bring up the contextually incorrect counter about Africans "selling" other Africans into slavery. It wasn't the same on several different levels.)

I'm not trying to defend anyone's desire to be offended or desire to offend. But GTFOH with purposely misconstruing history in order to support some bullshit political agenda. This is exactly how Orwell predicted that the shit in 1984 would start. Emmanuel Goldstein would be spinning in his grave...if he was actually in there....

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