Thank you very much. I hope it gets that way as well. When I started this hobby years ago it was fish, freshwater. Then i decided one day saltewater, fish only. And you know how it goes, coral, nems, etc etc. I keep upping the ante. But I picked up a green spotted puffer (also Pierre) years ago. He lived 8 years and he was the coolest. But after he dies I shut that tank down and sold off all of the components. Pete was the next one. I had him for one year before you know what. I also, took a pea puffer from a lfs that was shutting down. I went in looking for a deal on test kits and calcium, meds, all of the things that are good to have on hand. Anyway, I left there with the last fish they had. A skinny little pea puffer about a half inch long. I set him up in a 10 gallon with two apple snails, a couple of ghost shrimp, and some moss balls with a sponge filter. He is now a robust, little fatty at almost a full inch in length. Each puffer I have had exhibits very similar personality traits, even the little guy.
Maybe I have a puffer problem. I cannot resist that personality.