Iron Crown Event Megathread

My email to Respawn/EA:

Dear Respawn Studios,

I'm sure by now you've received countless emails about this very subject matter but I'd be remiss not to contribute to the feedback in hope to actually inspire some, if even just minor, amount of change. 

As a huge fan of your game I want for nothing more than to see it succeed, and I'm sure your staff works very hard to deliver excellent content in a timely manner, but when that content is hidden behind expensive pay-walls it deters many fans from ever purchasing and enjoying the hard work that your employees have created. Currently, normal shop skins are open for individual purchase, and while even these are a bit overpriced, there is at least the decency of paying for exactly what you want. Here in lies the issue with the Ironcrown Event. If I were able to purchase the skin I wanted I would gladly shell out the cash for it, but to think that I might throw money into a complete gamble at $7 a piece to not even be guaranteed items I may use is ridiculous. From a financial standpoint there is some amount of validity to this strategy, but morally it is indefensible. I think there comes a point when a company puts too much into making money that they ostracize portions of their fanbase and in turn make less money than they ultimately could have it they were to just give the public what they really wanted.

If this were a first offense issue I think the backlash would be far less severe, but when a company like EA Entertainment is the source of running jokes about how money hungry and ridiculous their microtransactions are, you'd think some change would come about, yet here we find ourselves in the same boat, playing this same game all over again. Maybe the fans are at fault for not doing enough to dictate fairer prices, whether that be to stop purchasing or cease playing, but if a mistake is made enough times, that day will surely come. 

So on behalf of both myself, fans everywhere, and even for the future of your own company, please, for the love of God, stop ripping us off with absurd prices and pay-walls.

Sincerely, a disheartened fan of Apex Legends

/r/apexlegends Thread