Iron Dome interceptions over a live concert in Sderot.

Once again, I am talking about mass shootings, a sub genre of gun violence. Black gun crime is a totally different issue.

Once again, it’s almost like when people live in poverty and live for survival they do stupid and violent shit to survive. doesn’t make it okay. Doesn’t detract from the problem. It’s a byproduct of the conditions people are put in.

Mass shootings are with out a doubt a phenomenon that can’t be brushed aside, and I still don’t know why you keep bringing up gang violence when that’s not even what we’re talking about.

I guess it’s probably because of the fact that you can’t help but blame black people for a totally different issue that white people perpetrate more.

Why is it that the same percentage of white people smoke pot as blacks yet black people are arrested at astronomically higher rates? Systemic racism. Even the FBI has said law enforcement has a serious problem with white supremacy within the ranks. Prisons profit. It’s easier to arrest and keep a poor black person in jail than a white person.

You alt-right, ‘red pilled’ half-incels are too stubborn and bitter to argue with anyway so I’m probably not gonna get the idea through your head.

Hopefully you’ll just grow up and go outside one day and realize nobody really gives a fuck about half the things you people play in your head like white guilt or people identifying as a pan sexual or whatever.

See you at the proud boys rally!

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