Ironies of Ascension and Femcel/Incel Relationship

hahaha you probably dont need to ascend much if you are already an omega becky! You probably could become stacyelite

Anyways, I didn't REALLY ascend because even though I looksmaxxed a bit and LOOK better, I'm still sticking with my looksmatch and a disabled guy.

The break up probably sounds worst than it was, all our breakups weree just short squabbles and we were back together after being stubborn and silly over nothing for a few hours.

NOW if i had gone after a normie/chadlite, that would be asceneding. But that would make me a sell out and forgetting my true roots. So no thanks, they'd probably just pump n dump me for being a mentalcel or just not appreciate me in the same way my looksmatch/soulmate can XD

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