The irony of America "putting America first" by withdrawing from the Paris agreement is that they are now literally free-riders.

I really feared this would happen, but I thought...maybe Trump might flip the script and show up. But nah, apparently negotiating and deal making isn't the Trump way.

Trump has doomed the Planet for future Human generations. Today, he has literally made the choice for me to have a child or not. I don't see any reason to have a child to only suffer as we continue fucking up the planet. It's not the Earth I want my children to see.

Like fuck dude.... I'm just angry rambling on. Like, U.S. is one of major polluters and backing out the Paris Agreement just signals to other countries they can and should do the same. Because, like you said about "free rider problem". They're paying for our pollution, and we're one of the biggest, if not the top polluters in the world. Why would smaller countries or even large countries like China, stay?

And top of all that, the fact we're still debating on climate change "is it reEaaalll?????" and politicians are doing nothing but dragging their feet about the issue. We're just fucked. We're already passed the point of no return, but with our current progress, we'll take climate change seriously when these giant corporations start taking hits from the oceans of acid or other crazy shit.

/r/Negareddit Thread