ISIS bride Shamima Begum not allowed to return to UK , Supreme Court rules

This is definitely more rampant in the UK than countries like Canada or America (am canadian). Certain Muslim communities are very closed off from other areas and form massive echo chambers. A friend in the UK (he's brown and muslim) has said that he's attended some mosques in these communities where the Imam is spewing borderline extremist shit. He said he was very disturbed and almost reported it to the authorities, but didn't wanna get labelled as Islamophobic (even though he's Muslim).

These communities have schools where a majority of the students are Muslim (from varying ethnicities). The children in said communities grow up to be quite homopbobic and are programmed to "dislike" people of other religions. I was born in Pakistan and this sounds no different than attending a school there (anecdote: there was a very nice Hindu kid in one of my classes and was legit told not play cricket with him simply because he was hindu).

Obviously not all Muslims that grow up in these communities tend to be like this (with exception to LGBT, but one step at a time I guess). But the fact that these communities become so closed off tend to form echo chambers of religious dogma, and if you enter the wrong chamber, it's a breeding ground for extremism.

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