Isis wants Christians and Muslims to fight a war. Will Republicans take the bait?

Are you serious? I read the article and wasn't specifically referencing it. First off that's a false equivalency if I've ever seen one and second have you ever listened to these guys talk? Cruz says someone who doesn't get down on their knees to pray every day is unfit to be president, Ben Carson rejects evolution for the creationism, I guarantee you if you asked any of the presidential candidates, "do you think evolution is true?" none of them would say "yes" less they loss some evangelical christian votes, watch Bill Maher interviewing the US senator in Religulous, listen to how James Inhofe says climate science is a hoax because Jesus, which of the two parties is more likely to demonize gays based on their religious beliefs, Fox News has been trying to push the whole "War on Christians/Christmas" narrative (news flash - ISIS is trying to kill everyone! not just Christians), Santorum thinks we should return this country to its Christian roots (which don't exist), etc. Need I go on? It has nothing to do with bias. People are entitled to their viewpoints but these guys know a huge portion of their political base are the ignorant religious type and a few of them are actually right there with them (Carson, Huckabee, Santorum). The rest would never dare say/do anything against these people because they need their votes. If they're trying to get creationism in schools, not believe one of the most basic parts of science, reject climate science because only God can affect the climate, and write policy based on what they think a book written during the Bronze Age when people didn't know where the moon/sun went to, then I've voting for the other party

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