IsItBullshit: Discovering porn at a young age causes depression

well can only speak from my own experiences... i discovered porn fairly early for the time and age being, i definitely was under 10 and remember -even if just slightly- "where" this particular scene took place - oh and also this scary FBI warning at the beginning old porn often had, lol.

well - fast forward to youth and i have clinical depression, on and off stationary as well as ambulant therapy, am lonely, bored, idk what the fuck to do because everything sucks anyways, social phobia that governs my life, i remember being desensitized to porn/masturbation in general at about the age of 15 and i hated it because its like the only thing that feels not empty in life is suddenly gone (the difference is, it isn't gone- you just fucked this one up as well)... friends? just 2 but all we did was sitting around smoking weed. i had a gf for 3 years which is probably the only good thing that happened post being born in the non-3rd world part of earth. sex back then was.. always a bit "weird" i guess? while we had lots of it i never felt like i was "performing" the way i wanted to... and no i'm not expecting or comparing what happens in porn to real-life but yea.. defo. my over the top porn consumption influenced THAT one in a very bad way, IF its not one reason why everything turned out the way it is now...... btw i'm heading towards 30 and literally nothing happened.

so tldr; would i say porn usage can go wrong BIG FUCKING TIMES? yes. its just like a drug. usually it goes its way just fine but do not let it "take over" your core value system.. not saying don't do porn if you want to but make sure you REALLY keep control of what you do.

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