This is Islam. Never forget.

You guys hate Islam, and Illegal Aliens and I do to. But for some reason on T_D you guys never talk about our every day problems. Have you guys ever taken a look at the crime statistics? We have another problem in America, and it has nothing to do with Islam. Right now on the front page of T_D there is a photo of a black and white man shaking hands. Claiming that is the not what the elite want, for black and whites to come together to fight the real enemy. Well I have news for you, it is not possible and never will be. No matter how much common core, free stuff, or affirmative action you throw at it. You post pictures of the twin towers, but what about all the white woman getting raped, or white elderly people getting robbed in their homes? What about the rioters destroying businesses. You know, and every time a riot happens you claim "Soros is at it again: - that is a lie. These people are not civil, they never will be. Their minds work differently. You guys need to wake up to the real problem in our country, besides the "swamp" or the "elite". I'm sick and tired of this "based this" and "based that" - look it is a " (insert color Trump supporter) ---- who cares? LOOK AT THE CRIME STATISTICS. LOOK AT SCIENCE. WE ARE NOT THE SAME! WAKE UP!! A few days ago, a certain group of people were out rescuing hurricane victims, while another group of people were out looting! WAKE UP!!!

/r/The_Donald Thread Link -