Islamophobe here? Be nice and no fight please

As one wants is not the same as slave of desires. According to your definition freedom is slave to desires.

You say you can limit laws, but that's according to your subjective morality, furthermore you said it can't violate the rights of others, exactly, others have a right to not expose themselves or their family do what they would consider immoral. You forcing that on display and in curriculums and media, is a violation of that.

Again the laws you mention already exist.

But for religious people they adhere to their own divine objective morality, you don't agree with it, so obviously you wouldn't follow it.

That does not give you the right to attack that or push your values on them, as they wouldn't either, I already covered this in depth above.

Consensual acts, like I already said, you're just rephrasing the same question a hundred times, people can do what they want, but they have no right to force their liberal morality on others. Unless governments adopt your idea of freedom and then allow people like you to force your liberal subjective morality on them.

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