Why isn't anyone here talking about Crucible Inferno Playlist? [Discussion]

Your write-up is exceptionally valuable and represents an eye for both camps.

I do prefer the lack of radar, but I fall into the 'skilled' group you mentioned. There's a special rush that comes with using only your awareness. Certainly not to say there is a right or wrong way - only that I prefer it, and as you express, the radar is a tool and with it comes different gameplay.

Radar restricts strategic movement and unpredictability in gameplay. In an objective scenario with a defender and offender, they both know the other's positions and, as you stated, 90% of the fight will come down to who is more mechanically proficient. There are typically multiple to an objective and I would argue that taking advantage of these paths and making strategic decisions with movement are nearly as important as how mechanically skilled you are in combat. Constant radar limits this component and makes it less valuable.

Both the use and lack of radar in macro gameplay each requires different spectrums of team play; while different, I'd argue radar-less gameplay relies on team play more. Your statement that the lack of radar in a game was messy - and that's true. Matches are volatile because vulnerabilities are more easily exposed. You rely on your team to watch your back, for you to watch theirs, and are punished heavily when caught off guard. To me, radar was just an easier way to fill those vulnerabilities in your team.

A successful team doesn't need to communicate vocally, really. Just see where the vulnerabilities lie, try and fill it, then rely on your teammates to help you with your vulnerabilities as needed. Truly, easier said. That's quite a challenge and one that constantly evolves with the game, maps and gametypes.

Bringing it to one of your final points:

The radar gives you the tools, and you focus on mastering those tools. ... You either focus too much on getting the tool or give up entirely.

This is so true. If not having radar means people are not enjoying the content, then it's not worth it. I find value in it, but many won't. I hope custom games become a thing in the future, because that would be fantastic for me and people who are like me that want to enjoy similar content.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread