Why isnt bullying taken seriously by schools?

In my school like 3 kids have tried to stab me, usually in the back, sides, arms and legs, but they never really managed to do it hard/fast enough, one of them tried to shoot me with a bow and arrow once after school, I was in the dark and I was already running so he missed, the idiot told me later about it, once I was bullied and abused everyday for 2 years straight, i've also been suicidal about 3 times in my life, and i'm only 15, the bystanders and especially the teachers did absolutely nothing, and one of the teachers was also racist and sexist, so I was the worst thing in her eyes, when I switched schools, I instantly got better grades, through experience I can say that at least 50% of people are assholes, 20% of people are demonspawn, 10% of people are okay though, and the other 20% just don't give a fuck

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