It isn't justice for Purvi Patel to serve 20 years in prison for an abortion

On June 10, Patel text messaged her friend about ordering abortion pills from an “international pharmacy,” and when the friend asked Patel three more times to see a doctor, she replied, “I’d rather not even go to a doc. I just want to get this over with,”

According to text messages, the pills arrived at Moe’s Southwest Grill in Mishawaka – a restaurant Patel’s family owns – in early July

BTW, these pills taste like sh**. If these pills don’t work…I’m gonna be mad,” the text messages allegedly said.

Then on July 13, Patel text messaged her friend, “Just lost the baby. I’m gonna clean up the bathroom and then go to Moe’s.”


The state also called a toxicologist to the witness stand Thursday. Metro Homicide Crime Scene Technician Tom Cameron told jurors about six search warrants used in the case against Patel.

He testified about September 2013, when he tested Purvi Patel’s blood samples for the two types of abortion drugs police say she ordered online and took a few days before she lost the baby.

That toxicologist said he did a lot of research and couldn’t find any scientifically reliable ways to test her blood for those drugs.

He then tried to do the test his own way and said he couldn’t find any traces in her system.

He also told jurors since that time he's found out there are tests he could have done, but said it’s very unlikely he would have found traces of the drugs if she ingested them since neither of them last long in the human system.


Just the little details most sites leave out concerning this trial that were presented in court

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