Why isn't suicide legal?

eventually found a combination of drugs that worked for me and because I eventually found a therapist who I like very much and because I grew up a bit and started embracing psychodynamic therapy and because I stopped screwing up my brain with marijuana and because I started spending an hour almost every day getting some sunlight in the park with my dog

This. I haven't had a therapist in years. The last therapist I had that I really liked was back in 1998. Unfortunately I moved several states away a few months after finally finding him. I have not done the work, especially when consuming a gram of weed a day, and my life is in tatters because of these failures.

Your assessment strikes me as spot on though I am trying to avoid political-ish controversies in light of how far off the rails my life has gone. Maybe one day, when I have caught up on debt and nurtured at least one relationship.

Thank you for posting.

/r/SuicideWatch Thread