This Isn't Worth It

That is a long story. I worked my ass off power selling on eBay, selling online shop of shirt designs since I’m a visual and audio artist, I moved back into my car in the parking lot when I couldn’t afford the next week rate (couldn’t buy more than a week at a time for a bigger discount), and eventually got a job at Sam ash music store, not that it paid much! Y’all complained about walmart! Sam ash only paid commissions! So you could make $0 for working 8 hours. I’ve had so many jobs like that - it makes me subconsciously work harder at walmart even though it doesn’t matter to me if they buy it or not. I got civilian ptsd from this all. I’m really summing it up for length sake. Only 2-3 times did a friend (not the same one) offer to help pay for another day. Nothing from my family. Nothing. They were 2300+ miles away as well. It’s tough knowing that, living with them now while I save back up for my independence. Thank God for walmart, that’s all I gotta say!

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