ISO Weight lifting or strength training class/group for women

Don't underestimate the awesomeness of some gym-bro types (I am presuming you use this to mean muscley people who work out a lot, fitness influencers etc.).

I am a recovering life-long sedentary fattie and I train at a gym owned by body builders. It is outfitted for everything I need and the culture is exactly what I like: everyone minds their own business, limited passive aggressive signs everywhere, no gaggles of Karens making sure everyone follows the rules, just serious people (men, women, young, old) working on improving themselves and reaching their goals. I am generally always the oldest and/or fattest person there which at one point in time would have felt impossibly intimidating, so I GET IT.

The gym bros are nice, or neutral, the manager, a competitive body-builder, was super encouraging, pointed out the strength and endurance I had built up already with years of obesity, encouraged me to consider powerlifting and made me feel like I was in a very safe place where people respect THE WORK.

Super fit people don't look at less fit people and puke, they're too busy crapping out that last rep and digging their tunes to care what others are doing for the most part.

Truth Gym Gallery is where I train, I personally can't recommend it enough. I started out with a personal trainer package to learn the machines and have been killing it since.

Don't let weird self-talk, doubt and fear of judgement hold you back, you belong in ANY fitness space you put yourself in so long as you work toward your goals and put in the effort. No one cares what you're doing, don't worry about them, this is a battle with YOURSELF.

Best wishes to you in your journey.

/r/VictoriaBC Thread