Israel missile strike on damascus syria zone called (kafersuseh) where i live (now)

Christ, I have to do everything for you Hamas dickhangers.

Apartheid is a system of laws codifying segregation, wherein one group of citizens, historically of one race or ethnic background, strips another group of citizens of its rights to exist as equals in society. Apartheid historically creates an underclass that functions to serve the ruling class, even when the ruling class is often the minority. Through the use of societal barriers, citizens of the targeted race are denied opportunities in education, employment, marriage, or societal mixing.

Now considering Israel allows people of all races to become citizens, marry who they please, work as they please, and serve in the highest levels of their government, I would love to see you explain how apartheid is a valid claim for you to make.

I can already hear your silence, but like I said, I like to give people like you a chance to see the error in your ways and repent.

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