Israeli bill to ban filming soldiers on duty condemned

Holy hell. Why is the IDF so unbelievably moral??'s because...

Firstly, Israel is a decent country with Western values, run on democratic principles. Israel has no more interest in war than Belgium does.

Secondly, Judaism, with its unsurpassed moral standards, remains a major influence on the citizens of Israel. I say this as a non-Jew.

Thirdly, the army is composed overwhelmingly of citizen soldiers.

So the IDF is moral because Israel is a democracy and of course "Democracy" = "Moral" Belgium!! Who isn't occupying anyone!! And....because Jews are more moral than any other religion. He totally says this as a non-Jew by the way, just incase you thought he's biased. He's clearly not. And finally because the IDF....(like all armies of the world) are made up of citizens.


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