Israelis, what's the maximum you'd be willing to concede in a 2SS?

As the security measures make that territory very debatably the Palestinians’. Your own link says the UN considers it still occupied.

I disagree with the UN's notion of Gaza still being occupied. Gaza has extremely brutal sanctions and restrictions placed on it by Israel, but saying its occupied is a bit of a stretch. There is no meaningful amount of IDF or other hostile enemy troops inside of Gaza, and that is what ultimately constitutes an occupation.

Gaza was used as an experimental and incremental step in letting the Palestinians self-govern, not purely as a result of guerrilla resistance

Guerrilla resistance was not the only reason the Zionists left, I agree. But it wasn't irrelevant and it was undoubtedly one of the major reasons for why Israel ultimately left the strip

Considering how miserably the Palestinians immediately failed in self-governing, I don’t think Israel is going to truly give the Palestinians in Gaza any more sovereignty anytime soon.

Trade sanctions were imposed on Gaza the same year Israel left. The effect on Gaza's economy was absolutely detrimental. You can't complain about the Palestinians "immediate failure" to govern themselves when you tanked their economy with sanctions.

The user’s idea of Palestinians have the military ability for force Israel to leave is absurd.

In the West Bank, I don't think the Palestinians can, not right now, no. But in the somewhat near future, I believe it's possible. It depends on what tactics the Palestinians use though.

The Palestinians have only ever succeeded in making things worse for themselves, often while attempting to murder civilians with child soldiers.

The only proof of that = out of context screenshots posted by the IDF.

meanwhile settlements still grow

Well that's a given, because of this "peaceful" status quo currently.

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