Italy just made it easier to claim self-defence if you kill or injure an intruder

You have no idea what you are talking about. That is the real problem: a bunch of people who don't give a shit enough about the topic to be informed, but who are just full of themselves enough to think people care about their uninformed opinion.

Using force against someone invading your home is not what stand your ground is about.

The Castle Doctrine is the legal theory where one has a lesser/no duty to retreat when inside of one's own home. This is what Italy just bolstered.

You obviously don't give a shit about basic facts in rather complex discussions, so maybe this nugget of knowledge is wasted on you. But I want everyone reading this to know that your post about "stand your ground" laws should be a red flag to anyone interested in any form of informed discussion about this topic.

It takes less than 30 seconds of reflection to see the difference in the policies as well as the vast disparity in the public acceptance of each one. Castle Doctrine is accepted in waaaayyyy more states than stand your ground. It is a fundamental part of being a free person in a society that values private property.

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