Italy's Former PM Matteo Renzi talks about pineapple on pizza

And yet you used a comment directly contrary to your own argument.

That's because you are, evidently, a careening, ideologically confused freak who says one thing one year and another the next.

Between that and the fact that you’re digging into comments from 2 years ago, and I mean no disrespect by this, but do you have a mental disability?

Are you projecting? Because it does seem you are projecting, given the freakish, careening, self-contradictory, almost schizophrenic nature of your screeds on this poor website.

Unless immigrants and Muslims somehow coincide with Marxist ideology?

Breivik went after an island chock-full of labour party youth and murdered them all while shouting "Die, Marxists!" because he saw them as the fifth column, you irredeemably dumb fucking American mong.

À qui est-ce qui t’as voté? Why don’t you answer you fucking coward?

I could not give less of a fuck about this question, which I'm never, ever, ever, ever going to answer just to ruin your effort. I'll answer, though: fucking kıll yourself, filth.

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