I've [29/M] inexplicably started to develop hypochondriac-like symptoms and traits after having a strange reaction to the medication I always take. What should I do about it?

Right before I took the Seroquel that had that strange effect on me, it was like a switch flipped and I heavily focused on my left knee feeling cold to the touch. This could be easily explained by me constantly crossing my legs and having pressure on that knee.

The morning after, my anxious tendencies were amplified in general. The only thing that was different before I started developing this anxiety over my health was the fact that I noticed my knee, and that afterwards the Seroquel had a strange effect on me.

I'm aware that this is anxiety and a lot of my current "what's wrong with me now?!" moments are the product of coincidences, like me deciding to drink a lot more water and then correlating me urinating more often and urinating crystal-clear with alleged health issues.

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