I've been to 5 psychologists and none of them could tell me what's wrong with me. AMA

Well first I want to stop dissociating. I cant tell how long its been since I did x or x happened and my memory is just generally really bad. I have short blackouts/amnesia where sometimes shit just appears out of nowhere or suddenly I "wake up" and I'm driving somewhere and idk where tf I'm even going or I'm suddenly in the basement or in another room and I'm like??wtf How did I get here? And I often forget who I am and it's so weird to be reminded that I inhabit a body sometimes and if I don't literally see sb right in front of me I literally forget that they exist and think that I just made them up in my head and I also can not connect emotions to memories anymore, like at all. It feels like I'm losing my goddamn mind :( My psych just said that my mind is trying to protect me lmfao she doesn't know shit. Protect me from what? sorry for the rant lol You said that my smyptoms sound like you before therapy? Do you managed to get rid of some of the symptoms? And how long have you been in treatment?

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