I've been creepshooting a girl I know for more than a year. I fail to see how I'm hurting anyone.

Erm. I saw this post under the Confessions subreddit and felt intensely uncomfortable reading it. I don't want to throw a load of hatred your way or anything but I agree with a lot of that commentary. This is invasive and more than a little predatory. I dress the same way as the woman you're discussing and I've also dealt with a similar situation. It made me feel really violated. You don't know her history. You have no idea how this would make her feel. Whether it's private or not (or, more to the point, whether she knows or not) it's still not appropriate behavior.

Why not ask her out? It would seem like the most logical way to handle your attraction. I would delete your pictures and stop obsessing over her. Easier said than done but this behavior shouldn't be accepted or encouraged. My proximity to a similar situation could be why I feel this way. I admit that and also don't want it to seem like I'm degrading you here. There's nothing wrong with being attracted to someone. There is something wrong with reducing a human being to body parts and objectifying them in such a way.

Also...What if someone sees what you have on your phone? That's not an impossible situation and you're going to look really bad if someone finds out because this and how you're talking about her make her seem less than human to you and that's, to put it mildly, really unfortunate and brings an unflattering light to your character.

Please either ask her out or leave the woman alone. Not only does she deserve better than to be picked apart in such a way but you deserve better than to creep shot this woman and jack off alone. Both scenarios are sad and not in a 'this is pathetic' way but 'this sounds like the loneliest thing I've ever heard' way.

/r/offmychest Thread