I've been experiencing this strange sensation, and was curious if I should see a doctor or maybe a therapist?

ER doctor here but I don't know shit and I'm not giving you advice.

Any illnesses / medications / narcotics / diagnoses? When did this start, slowly or sudden onset. Did you hit your head? Any trauma at all? Dizzyness, vertigo, balance problems, blurred vision, double vision? Do you take waran/eliquis/xarelto/fragmin? Do you feel your heart beating faster when it happens and does it feel irregular. Did your weight change, is it hard to swallow. Are your pupils the same size, do bright lights hurt? I'm going to shine twice per eye. Please follow the pen with your eyes. No the eyes only don't turn your head please. What day month year is it, where are you now, how did you get here, what did you do yesterday? Can you walk in a straight line for me please, ok now back on your heels only. One more time on your toes. Ok thanks, please stand and put your arms out straight 10 seconds. Can you feel this on your side when I touch your face? Does it feel the same on both sides? Now on the arms chest legs? Yes same feeling, ok good. Please move your fingers for me like if you play a piano. Ok thanks good. Please put one hand on the palm of the other hand then move turn the first hand up and down really fast. No please stop, just rotate your wrist. Ok great, other side. Can you squeeze both my hands at the sime time? Stronger. Please really hard. Ok please lift your left leg. Ok now right. Ok. What is this? "pweasfeeseeeen". Yes ok good. That on the wall? "wat-wat-watcuuuuuuuuhhhh". Ok. Ok thanks. Please blow up your cheeks. Left side too please. Can you blow up both, left side too please? Hmm,.. ok please close your eyes, left one too. Hmm yes ok can you wrincle your forehead for me? Hmm. Ok I'll be right back. Please 2 green needles, ringer, EKG, I'll write the CT skull and angio neck vessels with contrast. Sorry about your kidneys bro. Ok let's go let's go. Not more than 1/3 of media good. Ok Actilyse please now.

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread