I've been letting my new boyfriend cum inside me even though I'm not on birth control. He doesn't know.

If I always take plan B isn't it the same as the pill though, in regards to my boyfriend?

No you're right though. I'm deluding myself. And I am making an appointment with planned parenthood. I want to ask him to drive me but that's probably too much to ask. I don't know. I'm scared to go but obviously I have to. Cost isn't really an issue, just hding it from my mom,

I get that it's still lying though, and i guess i needed that slap in the face. My therapist also says I shouldnt be living with my mother but I'm pretty sure my mom is right and I'm the problem and I need her to keep me in line as this behavior of mine probably demonstrates... .anyway, you're right about it being unfair.

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