i've been skating for about a month now just cruising around, going off curbs and just getting comfortable on my board. but i just recently started practicing ollies and i don't get what i'm doing wrong

You have a decent sliding motion down, but a lot of improvements that are hard to learn if you dont pay attention. I'll go and try to help you figure out what has flaws.

Your pop is one of the more prominent parts of the ollie, in the video, it doesn't seem you really pop at all. Try to imagine you're hopping off your back foot, it may seem weird, but the harder you stomp the better the rest of your ollie would end up being.

You got a decent idea of how the motion should be, make sure you pull up, then sideways. In the video you stomp way to quick, just think as if you are floating, keep as much airtime as possible. This part would be much easier once you get a good pop.

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