I've been struggling to climb out of bronze for a while, and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong consistently enough to stay down here. What can I do to improve? (Thorough writeup and VOD within)

I don't even need to watch a VOD to tell you to narrow down your hero pool. If you're in bronze you are making basic mistakes (everyone at every rank makes lots of mistakes, join the club). Narrowing your hero pool will reduce the amount of thinking you have to do about your hero and abilities, and let you focus on the game.

It's easier to learn a few things than a lot of things. Reducing your hero pool reduces the things you have to learn, and will help you pinpoint mistakes you're making. Changing a playstyle every game to a new hero is very challenging, if you want to climb right now I think specializing is the way to go. Pick 1-3 heroes you enjoy, and focus only on them. Forget about winning, forget about teammates, forget about counters, just focus on improving your own gameplay.

/r/OverwatchUniversity Thread