I've been working night shift security for years and I finally got busted

STORY TIME! I worked as a floor manager at a bar and grille in high school and that was pretty much the worst time of my life. Aside from being treated badly by pretty much all of the customers that came in, and having to work with food that looked like it had been found on the ground somewhere, the worst part was definitely cleaning the women's bathroom. There was not a single time in which I was sentenced by my manager and a jury of my coworkers to clean the women's bathroom that did not scar me for life. My first experience of this, and definitely the worst, started towards the end of my first week. I was asked to clean the bathrooms and, being the greenhorn, and not wanting to seem lazy, I jumped right on it. I cleaned the men's bathroom, which was still pretty bad, and had started moving to the women's bathroom when the smell hit me like a freight train of putrid gases. I should've turned away then but I forged onward. I moved into the bathroom only to find a pile of shit in the dead center of the bathroom. With a bow on it. Someone, some evil someone, had left me the shittiest present I've ever received. I decided that I would clean around it since all I had was a spray bottle and a mop, hoping the terrors would end there. It was once I had made it to the stalls that I was to find that someone had pissed so much on the floor that there was a standing puddle of piss across the majority of the stall floor. That same person also seemed to have left their bloody tampon tied to the handle of toilet. I told my boss that I was done for the day without cleaning and the restaurant had to close for the rest of the day and for a week after to clean that bathroom fully. Most of the other times were just simple things like tampons on the ground or something but I lived in fear of the second coming of that day until I eventually quit several weeks later. I still have nightmares...

TL:DR women's bathrooms at bars are nasty..

/r/AdviceAnimals Thread Link - i.imgur.com